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Ya se venía oyendo el rumor de que Sony iba a rebajar el precio de su PS3 en el próximo E3, pues GameStop ha tomado la iniciativa y desde ofrece el modelo de 160GB a $199. Un precio realmente bueno para un dispositivo electrónico de esta clase. Ver: Click here to view the noticia
Medal of Honor a $5 y Arkham City por $25 son dos de los atractivos de este fin de semana en las ofertas de servicios de descarga digital. Steam Medal of Honor $4.99 (75% off -- solo por hoy) 50-75% off en juegos de Sonic seleccionados Más... GameStop Batman: Arkham City $24.99 (50% off) Borderlands $9.99 (50% off) Tropico 4 $19.99 (50% off) R.U.S.E. $14.99 (50% off) Dungeon Siege III $19.99 (60% off) Medal of Honor: Airborne $4.99 (50% off) Más... GamersGate Cities in Motion $6.78 (66% off) Pitri 1977 $5.99 (40% off) Stardrone $2.99 (85% off) Shattered Origins: Guardians of Unity $14.96 (25% off) Más... Direct2Drive 20% off todos los juegos a través del código "ENDURANCE" Green Man Gaming Super Meat Boy $9.98 (33% off) Más... Good Old Games 50% off "Grandiosos del Gaming" incluyendo Arma, Empire Earth y Little Big Adventure Click here to view the noticia
Arkham City, Crysis 2 y Metro 2033 son algunos de los juegos que este fin de semana están en promoción en los diferentes sistemas de descarga digital. Steam Dead Space $5.00 (75% off) Dead Space 2 $5.00 (75% off) Nation Red $2.50 (75% off + Fin de semana gratuito) Front Mission Evolved $10.19 (66% off) Más... GameStop Batman: Arkham City $24.99 (50% off) Borderlands $9.99 (50% off) Crysis 2 $19.99 (50% off) Deus Ex: Human Revolution $29.99 (40% off) Dead island $29.99 (40% off) Tropico 4 $19.99 (50% off) Metro 2033 $9.99 (50% off) Crysis $9.99 (50% off) Far Cry Bundle $14.99 (50% off) Duke Nukem Forever $9.99 (50% off) Más... GamersGate Mass Effect $4.99 (75% off) Mass Effect 2 $4.99 (75% off) Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition $7.49 (75% off) Breaking The Rules - The Roman $2.89 (71% off) Más... Direct2Drive Call of Juarez: The Cartel $24.95 (50% off) Más...
Un poco tarde esta semana pero aquí están las ofertas de este fin en servicios de descarga digital. Steam Age of Empires III Complete $19.99 (50% off) Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West $4.99 (50% off) Más... GameStop Dead Space $9.99 (50% off) Dead Space 2 $9.99 (50% off) Mafia II $7.49 (75% off) Tropico 4 $19.99 (50% off) Tropico 3 $9.99 (50% off) Red Faction: Armageddon $14.99 (50% off) Need for Speed: The Run $39.99 (20% off) Zeit2 $4.99 (50% off) Stronghold 3 $39.99 (20% off) FIFA 2011 $19.99 (33% off) Más... GamersGate King Arthur Collection $10.18 (66% off) Two Worlds II GotY $24.98 (50% off) Machinarium $4.98 (50% off) Dead Island Four Pack $89.85 (55% off) Orcs Must Die! $7.50 (50% off) Dungeons Mega Pack $16.48 (50% off) Sniper: Ghost Warrior Gold Edition $11.98 (60% off) The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings $19.98 (50% off) Super Meat Boy $3.73 (75% off) Neverwinter Nights Diamond $4.98 (50% off) Más... Direct2Drive Homefront $7.50 (75% off) Click here to view the noticia